
这是示例演示了使用客户端图形如何创建要素图层。这些图形来自 USGS 的 GeoJSON 的地震数据。

使用客户端图形创建要素图层需要给图层设置 5 个属性。

  1. 图形数组必须被设置到 source 属性。
  2. 必须指定图形的 geometryType (所有的要素必须有相同的几何类型)。
  3. 要素的空间参考必须指定。
  4. 必须提供给每个属性字段的模式(名称,别名和类型)的字段对象数组。
  5. 必须指定 objectID 。
lyr = new FeatureLayer({
  source: graphics,
  fields: fields,
  objectIdField: "ObjectID",
  geometryType: "point",
  spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 },

  popupTemplate: pTemplate,
  renderer: quakesRenderer


一旦在图层上设置了图形,就可以设置其他图层属性(如 renderer 和 popupTemplate ),从而使你可以利用 FeatureLayer 的优势来实现客户端图形。

和 FeatureLayer 不同,GraphicsLayer 不支持 rendered 和 popupTemplate 属性。


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
  <title>Create a FeatureLayer with client side graphics - 4.5</title>
    #viewDiv {
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;

    #infoDiv {
      position: absolute;
      bottom: 15px;
      right: 0;
      max-height: 80%;
      max-width: 300px;
      background-color: black;
      padding: 8px;
      border-top-left-radius: 5px;
      color: white;
      opacity: 0.8;

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/4.5/esri/css/main.css">
  <script src="https://js.arcgis.com/4.5/"></script>

    ], function(MapView, Map, FeatureLayer, Point, Legend, esriRequest) {

      var lyr, legend;

       * 定义图层中的每个字段的规范

      var fields = [
        name: "ObjectID",
        alias: "ObjectID", //别名
        type: "oid"
      }, {
        name: "title",
        alias: "title",
        type: "string"
      }, {
        name: "type",
        alias: "type",
        type: "string"
      }, {
        name: "place",
        alias: "place",
        type: "string"
      }, {
        name: "depth",
        alias: "depth",
        type: "string"
      }, {
        name: "time",
        alias: "time",
        type: "date"
      }, {
        name: "mag",
        alias: "Magnitude",
        type: "double"
      }, {
        name: "url",
        alias: "url",
        type: "string"
      }, {
        name: "mmi",
        alias: "intensity",
        type: "double"
      }, {
        name: "felt",
        alias: "Number of felt reports",
        type: "double"
      }, {
        name: "sig",
        alias: "significance",
        type: "double"

      // 设置弹窗模板
      var pTemplate = {
        title: "{title}",
        content: [{
          type: "fields",
          fieldInfos: [{
            fieldName: "place",
            label: "Location",
            visible: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "time",
            label: "Date and time",
            visible: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "mag",
            label: "Magnitude",
            visible: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "mmi",
            label: "Intensity",
            visible: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "depth",
            label: "Depth",
            visible: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "felt",
            label: "Number who felt the quake",
            visible: true,
            format: {
              digitSeparator: true,
              places: 0
          }, {
            fieldName: "sig",
            label: "Significance",
            visible: true
          }, {
            fieldName: "url",
            label: "More info",
            visible: true
        fieldInfos: [{
          fieldName: "time",
          format: {
            dateFormat: "short-date-short-time"

      var map = new Map({
        basemap: "dark-gray"

      var view = new MapView({
        container: "viewDiv",
        map: map,
        center: [-144.492, 62.771],
        zoom: 5,
        // 为 图例 设置 padding 
        ui: {
          padding: {
            bottom: 15,
            right: 0

       * 为地震点符号设置渲染器

      var quakesRenderer = {
        type: "simple",
        symbol: {
          type: "simple-marker", 
          style: "circle",
          size: 20,
          color: [211, 255, 0, 0],
          outline: {
            width: 1,
            color: "#FF0055",
            style: "solid"
        visualVariables: [
          type: "size",
          field: "mag", // 地震震级
          valueUnit: "unknown",
          minDataValue: 2,
          maxDataValue: 7,
          // 基于比例尺设置 2 级地震符号大小
          minSize: {
            type: "size",
            expression: "view.scale",
            stops: [
              value: 1128,
              size: 12
              value: 36111,
              size: 12
              value: 9244649,
              size: 6
              value: 73957191,
              size: 4
              value: 591657528,
              size: 2
          // 基于比例尺设置 7 级地震符号大小
          maxSize: {
            type: "size",
            expression: "view.scale",
            stops: [
              value: 1128,
              size: 80
              value: 36111,
              size: 60
              value: 9244649,
              size: 50
              value: 73957191,
              size: 50
              value: 591657528,
              size: 25

      view.then(function() {
        // 当视图加载完成时,请求 USGS 的地震数据
          .then(createGraphics) //创建图形
          .then(createLayer)  //创建图层
          .then(createLegend) //创建图例

      // function 请求的证数据
      function getData() {

        // data downloaded from the USGS at http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/ on 4/4/16
        // month.geojson represents recorded earthquakes between 03/04/2016 and 04/04/2016
        // week.geojson represents recorded earthquakes betwen 03/28/2016 and 04/04/2016

        var url = "data/week.geojson";

        return esriRequest(url, {
          responseType: "json"

       * 为返回的数据创建图形

      function createGraphics(response) {
        // 原始 json 数据
        var geoJson = response.data;

        // 为每个 geoJSON 要素创建一个图形数组
        return geoJson.features.map(function(feature, i) {
          return {
            geometry: new Point({
              x: feature.geometry.coordinates[0],
              y: feature.geometry.coordinates[1]
            // 选择想要的属性
            attributes: {
              ObjectID: i,
              title: feature.properties.title,
              type: feature.properties.type,
              place: feature.properties.place,
              depth: feature.geometry.coordinates[2] + " km",
              time: feature.properties.time,
              mag: feature.properties.mag,
              mmi: feature.properties.mmi,
              felt: feature.properties.felt,
              sig: feature.properties.sig,
              url: feature.properties.url

       * 使用图形数组创建图层

      function createLayer(graphics) {

        lyr = new FeatureLayer({
          source: graphics, 
          fields: fields,
          objectIdField: "ObjectID", 
          renderer: quakesRenderer,
          spatialReference: {
            wkid: 4326
          geometryType: "point", 
          popupTemplate: pTemplate

        return lyr;

       * 在图例中添加图层信息

      function createLegend(layer) {
        if (legend) {
          legend.layerInfos = [{
            layer: layer,
            title: "Magnitude"
        } else {
          legend = new Legend({
            view: view,
            layerInfos: [
              layer: layer,
              title: "Earthquake"
          }, "infoDiv");

      // 获取数据失败时执行
      function errback(error) {
        console.error("Creating legend failed. ", error);


  <div id="viewDiv"></div>
  <div id="infoDiv">
    03/28/16 至 04/04/16 报道的




results matching ""

    No results matching ""